Friday, May 8, 2015

My Famous Sister

-Posted by Isaac

I've had Becky on the blog recently. As many of you know, she's more than just "aunt Becky" who runs our kids around in her spare time. She's owner, operator and CEO of Dangling Carrot Farm. And her spare time is becoming much more scarce these days. Not only are we thick in the growing season, she's fighting off the media at every turn.
Here, they caught up with her. I thought you may be entertained by this. Possibly even enlightened. Who knows?

In bee news, it's just more of the same. Splitting and more splitting. Sun up to, well, almost sun down. I've not yet worked until dark (Becky regularly does), but the season's not over and we've still got queens to come.
About 160 down.

The bees have actually made a little honey. Deadnettle honey? I found just a couple early supers completely full. 

The problem is, these super strong early colonies had swarm cells. They got ahead of me. Its hard to get around fast enough, as I mentioned in that last post.

I'm seeing bees in my sleep. Queens by day and night. Since we're on on subject of entertainment, I thought I'd leave you with this fun little post from last year. Grab some coffee. It's a good way to start your bee day.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have been busy. And I enjoyed watching about Becky's farm! I bet she is busy, too, now that the cold weather is behind us and the warm weather in here, like summer.
